Family Referral Program
LWCA families who refer new families will be eligible to receive $250 in tuition waived,
AND Referred families can also receive $250 of their tuition waived.
Many LWCA families initially heard about LWCA through a personal referral from an existing school family. We appreciate parents in our community who help us by referring their friends, families and neighbors to our school. We would like to say “Thank you” to these parents for promoting our school! Through our Family Referral Program, your family can receive a tuition credit for referring one new student to Living Water Christian Academy.
1. Who Can Participate?
Any family who currently has a student enrolled at Living Water Christian Academy can participate in this program, unless you are a member of LWCA faculty or staff.
2. How Do We Get The Tuition Credit?
In order to receive the tuition credit you must spread the word about LWCA to your neighbors, friends and co-workers. Tell them what you love about LWCA and encourage them to reach out to our Admissions office. If any student that you refer to us completes our Admissions process, is accepted to our school and attends our school for at least one semester, each family will then receive a tuition credit!
3. How Many Times Can A Family Receive A Tuition Credit?
We limit the number of credits to the total tuition amount your family pays. For example, if you have a child enrolled at LWCA and your yearly tuition (parent portion) is $2,500 you are eligible to receive up to $2,500 worth of tuition discounts which would equate to referring 10 students.
4. Can I apply the tuition credit to any fees or other charges from the school such as the re-enrollment fee?
No, the monies awarded from the Student Referral Program can only be applied to tuition. It is non-transferable and cannot be applied to any other fees or charges you accrue throughout the school year.
5. Are "referred children" eligible to take part in this program?
Siblings of current students are not eligible. A family cannot refer their own child.
6. When will we receive our tuition credit?
If the student was referred by August of that school, both referred families as well as referring families will receive the discount off of their January tuition payment if that school year.
7. How will the school know that I have referred a student?
LWCA has added a question on our online application asking the applicant if they were referred to the school by a current family. The applicant should note who referred them. LWCA has also added a form (see the form below) that the referring family can fill out and submit that will tell us the name of the child/family they referred to LWCA.
*LWCA must be informed of the referral within 10 days of initial contact with the family in order to receive the tuition credit.
**This offer applies to all referrals from January 2025, until we discontinue the program.